Tuesday 9 March 2010

Ice Cream update

Since buying le Glacier at New Year I've had two subsequent ice cream making attempts. After the success of the Margarita Ice Cream I decided to try plain Vanilla.

Worked a treat, got rave reviews from Roy, Mum, Mum and Dad-in-Law. As is my usual method, instead of just going to one of the many cookbooks in the kitchen, picking a recipe and using it, I spent ages trawling the net for Vanilla ice cream recipes. I printed three and then picked one to use (Mark Hix, I think). Anyway, it worked, tasted great. Served it with Nigella's chocolate brownies. Big hit.

Next time out (last weekend) I tried a coffee ice cream, also to serve with brownies - this time, flourless milk and dark choc brownies. I was trying to recreate the fabulous Honeybuns milk choc brownie and had looked at the ingredients then found the closest recipe I could get online.
These honeybuns are my absolute favourite brownies - next to Millie's Muffins, the best naughty treat one can buy for a long train journey!

The ice cream (picked the best of three recipes I printed) was excellent. Actually, I could have just eaten the warm and then cold custard mix, it was gorgeous! The brownies were ok - but I went a bit off track by making them early and then re-heating them later. The texture seemed to change - I think the almonds gave up more oil and the overall effect for me was to take away the "lightness" they had when first out of the oven, and replace it with a slightly stodgy greasy feel. Guests (BIL and SIL) seemed to enjoy them though. And the freezer is now full of leftovers....................