Wednesday 10 August 2011

Cranberry & Almond Granola

Cranberry & Almond Granola

225g jumbo porridge oats
60g sunflower seeds
60g sesame seeds
60g flaxseeds (linseeds)
60g pumpkin seeds
100g whole almonds (blanched or natural)
150g dried cranberries (or 100g dried cranberries plus 50g dried cherries)
40g dessicated coconut (optional)
1.5 tsp ground cinnamon
1 tsp ground ginger
Pinch of ground nutmeg or allspice (optional)
1 tsp salt
Zest and juice of a large orange
2 tbsps sunflower oil (or rapeseed - any bland oil will do)
2 tbsps runny honey
1 tsp vanilla extract (optional)

Mix all the dry ingredients (expect almonds, cranberries and coconut) in a large bowl. Add the orange zest.
In a jug, mix the orange juice, vanilla, oil and honey and mix well. Add to the dry ingredients and stir well with a large spoon until all combined.

Spread the mix onto a large baking sheet with deep sides (or two smaller baking trays/dishes)

Bake at about 150 for 30 minutes. Every 10 minutes, turn the mix over with a spoon so that it browns evenly and nothing burns. If your oven (like mine) is really hot, try this at 130 instead. After 20 minutes (i.e. on the second "stir") add the almonds and coconut).

Once the mix is dry and feels crunchy, remove from oven and cool completely. Mix through the cranberries (and cherries if using) and store in an airtight container.

Lovely for breakfast on top of with natural yoghurt - add an extra drizzle of honey if you like it sweeter. If you have any fruit compote then add this as a layer at the bottom of the yogurt. On the photo, I've served mine with the Plum compote from Nigella Kitchen (but I used vanilla instead of cinnamon as my flavouring).