Tuesday 10 June 2008

Nothing to blog about?

On 6th April I wrote this:
I have yet to report on our recent trips to Horsham, Maidstone and Canterbury
and I didn't ever blog those trips. Since then, we've had little jaunts to:
Dundee and Swindon
and I haven't written those up either.

I doubt I'll get round to it now. Suffice to say, all of those trips were excellent, revolved around my work and contained lots of driving and a fresh appreciation of how diverse and beautiful Britain can be. Especially when the sun shines, as it did for a lot of the time we were away.

Ok, patriotic bit over.

June has been manic, work wise. I found myself out on business every single day - except for two days this week Wednesday and Friday when I have full days "in the office". It's been good though. Seeing lots of different places, lots of the same motorway and a few nice hotels.

On Thursday this week I'm going over to mum's after work. Lorraine, Mum and I are going out. On Friday, we're visiting the graveyard, as it will be one year since Dad died. The year has gone over so quickly and I feel as if so much has happened since - what with mum's house move, changing jobs, South Africa, Roy's work situation etc.

So I did have a lot to blog about, (the travels) but I never got round to it and I'm fed up playing catch up.

Next scheduled trip is 12th July when we'll celebrate our third wedding anniversary (belatedly, it's on the 1st July) with a stay at the Pheasant Inn in Chester. I think we're also going to Chester Races on that day, too.