Monday 15 June 2009

I still haven't sorted his bench out....

It is coming up to two years since Dad died. I promised him a bench, looking out to somewhere nice, and I still haven't sorted it out. I've made some half hearted attempts to find out how one goes about organising these things, but there isn't much info out there.

A month or so ago, I had another google and I think that you just buy the bench and memorial plaque and then check with the local authority that it is ok to place it somewhere. There are some rules about how it must be fixed. So I think the start point is to choose a place, get permission and go ahead.

So I was just reading back on the blog of Dad's last days.... bit stupid really as I got myself a bit upset. Anyway I realised that I forgot to mention how, on the Wednesday that he died, Mum came in to his room at about 6am and he looked at her and mouthed "Good Morning". That was pretty much the last time he communicated with anybody.

Mum is in hospital at the moment. She fell and cracked a bone in her pelvis whilst crossing the road last Wednesday. For somebody whose mobility is already limited by her osteoarthritis, this is the last thing she needs. She's now in a rehab unit learning to walk and transfer from bed to chair and back. Not good. But she's battling on and I hope that she gets full mobility and independence back. Knowing mum, she'll be worried that she doesn't. Oh, and she HATES the hospital food.