Friday 12 October 2007

So much to update here

I keep promising to update my holiday blogs. Wales is pretty much done, but I'm having problems with the photos. Maldives I haven't even started. I have only my hand written notes... I could be lazy and scan them in, but you'd never read my writing.

I also should tell you all about my new job. Maybe I'll do some serious blogging at the weekend.

Gosh, I've just read back on something from April this year (I was trying to recall a conversation I'd had with Dad about something). I never thought I would look back on my blogs from those days but when I did I realised how much I've forgotten already (just little things, funny tales etc). I'm so glad I have them recorded. In with the painful stuff are some nice things I can reflect on in time.

Anyway, my point was going to be: I can't believe how graphic some of the blogs were! I apologise for anybody who read them and was upset/distressed/offended! Yeuwww.... did I really write those things? Did I really DO some of the things I did? How quick the mind moves on.

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