Friday 2 May 2008

Touring the other side of Durban

Woke at 6 and read my book... I'm determined to finish Mandela's Long Walk to Freedom before I leave here. After breakfast, Roy helped Gordon change a tyre on his bakkie (pick up truck) as Caitlin had borrowed it yesterday and got a flat.

Once all that was done, we took a drive out - me driving to get used to G's car as he's lending it to us for the weekend. G&M were supposed to be accompanying us on our weekend away but unfortunately they are too busy with running their business and so they can't come.

We drove around the Valley of 1000 Hills. We stopped at some nice craft shops and also to meet Gail for a coffee and pass her some stuff she'd left in G&M's the other night. Next we went to a place called Phezulu, to watch some Zulu dancing. It was really good.

The views of the valley of 1000 Hills from Phezulu were incredible. The weather is a little brighter today but still not brilliant. When the sun is out it's lovely - but soon cools down when it clouds over.

We stopped at the Cape Town Fish Market for lunch. Margaret recommended the grilled hake and chips - and it was very good. And not too heavy.

Back home to chill out and then Margaret cooked us a wonderful lamb roast dinner. I love how she makes butternut squash - she cooks the butternut until soft and then mashes it with butter and salt and pepper. She taught us this when she visited England last year and I have made it since. Yummy!

We sat and chatted after dinner - G&M can both talk a lot and are really good company. It is fascinating hearing about some of the adventures they've had since moving to SA in 1969. They've had some tough times, too. As a family, the SA Almans have been through a lot and yet they have not lost their spirit or verve for life.