Wednesday 29 October 2008


Did I say it was sunny and warm three days ago? Scrap that - it is now freezing cold and parts of the UK have had snow!

So, my cookfest will continue shortly with:
Mushroom Risotto
Salmon and Broccoli fishcakes
Sticky Gingerbread
Sticky Toffee Pudding
Sticky Sausages

I realise that there is a lot of stickiness going on, but it is that time of year!

The risotto and fishcakes I want to try and happen to have the ingredients for - might make them tomorrow. The rest are for a binfire party on Saturday night.

And the great news is that my new Nigella book arrived (the Christmas one) this week so I've been earmarking some other things to try. I'm definitely going to have a go at chilli jam. And I'll probably remake the grotesque sounding but really yummy choc, prune and tia maria fruit cake.

Ok, I'm off to check my stocks of sugar and dates.....