Monday 21 January 2008

Day 2 of a proper diet

I feel thinner already. Don't laugh! Honestly, I do. My trousers felt more comfy and the zip nearly fastened to the top (that isn't just a fatness problem, I think the zip is a bit knackered).

And I'm sure I'm detoxing because I have a lovely outbreak of spots on my face. Well, if I'm really honest they started at the weekend, pre-diet.

So how is it going? Well, ok. I am very concerned about how "travelling" is going to go - because I have realised that with Slimming World you don't get much in the way of sandwiches. But tomorrow will be a tester - a good old "Buffet Lunch" to contend with. I'm taking emergency nuts/seeds and fruit, just in case there is nothing suitable. Well, I can probably tell you now that there won't be.

I'm doing an exam tomorrow afternoon - not a long or difficult one, but nevertheless I can't afford to be distracted by hunger pangs, can I?

This morning we went to a funeral. It was Renee's dad, who died from pancreatic cancer at age 83. She wrote a very touching tribute to him, which the lady minister read. It rained really heavily - and it was a proper burial. Not a good combination. We didn't go back to the house as I was working, and had just sneaked out for an hour or so to pay my respects.

Didn't experiment with any interesting foods today so not much to report diet wise. Except this: it has been a Zantac free day. In fact, barely no heartburn at all bar a little in the church (which I think was stress as I was a bit twitchy about being at a funeral) which a Rennie managed to shift.

Oh god, how many Syns are there in a Rennie........

Oops I suppose I should post my menu plan for today, a "green day".
1oz porridge oats made with water, splash of milk, tsp of maple syrup
Small smoothie made with very low fat yogurt, grape juice, blueberries and raspberries

Huge bowl of lentil and veg soup
Fresh pineapple

Small tuna steak (marinated in evoo, wine vinegar, fennel seeds, chilli and garlic)
Roasted peppers, carrot, fennel
Lemon juice to flavour
Roasted apricots with a dash of maple syrup, dessert spoon of very low fat vanilla fromage frais

1 Laughing Cow Light triangle

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