Thursday 24 January 2008

Replacing one addiction with another...

Gosh it seems ages since I sat here after midnight blogging. Used to be my "quiet" time when Dad was ill, and after Mum had gone to bed.

I should be in bed by now but I've been otherwise occupied. Roy got a Nintendo DS Lite game for Christmas and I've (sadly) becoming addicted to the Germ Buster game on the Brain Training card. Now, I know that sitting playing Germ Buster is better than sitting eating chocolate, but isn't this just replacing one addiction with another, LOL?

The basic rules are you have to kill germs with pills by lining up four of the same coloured dots. As soon as you place one pill on the screen (dragging it with the pen) then another appears. You're "dead" if you pile up too many pills without killing the germs. When I first started I was scoring about 7-10 points per game (on easy mode!). Tonight I hit my all time record of 450.

But, I've just googled Germ Buster and was gutted to see people boasting of scores of 1172 on "hard" mode. So I have a long way to go. I don't know if I can let my addiction reach that level. The irony is that Germ Buster is supposed to relax your brain after Brain Training. But it winds me up. I think it's getting to me - today on the motorway I found myself (driving a black car) trying to get behind 3 other black cars to make a chain of 4! Oh dear - not good eh?

Diet going well - not succumbed to any temptation yet. I won't bore you with the details.

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