Saturday 8 March 2008

Dumfries and surrounding areas - in the rain

Woke up early and enjoyed a great breakfast in the B&B (porridge and scrambled eggs). We headed out at 9 for a walk around Dumfries town... Robbie Burns spent the last years of his life in Dumfries and so there is a lot of "Burns" stuff around - his house, his mausoleum, a museum and statues of both him and his wife. It started to rain quite soon and so we headed into a shopping mall to stay dry. It was there I got the best buy of my weekend - a woolly hat costing 99p. Over the next 2 days I was so glad of this purchase!

Unless you're fanatical about Burns (I'm not) there isn't a lot to do in Dumfries itself, and so we headed out in the car. We stopped at a town called Castle Douglas - which was rather nice. One big High Street with not a chain shop in sight. We wandered around the various shops and galleries until settling on a nice cafe for lunch. Needless to say, as soon as we sat indoors the sun came out and was cracking the flags until we left there to go back to the car. Then it rained again. We decided to drive along the Solway Firth (huge water inlet coming off the Irish Sea) and it was pretty scenic. We found some gorgeous windy roads to tootle along and occasionally the sun would come out and it would be lovely. Proof of the changeable weather is on the pictures.

After driving about all afternoon we got back to Dumfries at tea time and had a chill out in our room before going out. We had booked a table at Casa Mia, an Italian restaurant a short drive from our B&B. There isn't much in Dumfries (in terms of nice places to eat). The restaurant was good - apart from them trying twice to overcharge us on the bill.