Thursday 13 March 2008

A message to you.....

It is a year ago today that Dad came home from hospital, after his 6 week stay there. Last night, my sister (Lorraine) and my mum went to see a Spirit Medium, David Traynor, at a hotel in Widnes.

Lorraine wrote up what happened and so I'm posting it here (as despite being an authorised contributor to this Blog she's had very little to say for herself thus far). Only kidding, Lol! LOL!

A message from Dad
An evening with Spirit Medium – David Traynor
Hillcrest Hotel – Wed 12th March 2008.
Since we lost Dad I have become increasingly curious and intrigued by the whole concept of people who have the ability to make connections with loved ones that have passed over. I persuaded mum to come along with me to see David Traynor. I had not heard anything about him – I just saw an advert in the local paper and as I often tune into Colin Fry’s TV show Sixth Sense I thought I would go along and see if this area was as fascinating as it appeared to be. David's website had a guest book where the majority of people had posted positive messages about their experience so I decided to go along and decide for myself.
The introduction was very light hearted and David was quite amusing and quite camp! The thing that impressed me was that he went direct to people – he did not say things like does the name Bill mean anything to anyone etc. He also asked people to just answer yes or no to what he was telling them – he refused to take any additional detail.
During the first half of the evening he made about 4 connections and 2 of them were very accurate to the people involved.
At first I was not going along expecting to hear from dad but as the evening went on you can’t help but envy the people getting messages and hope that you get one albeit you are not quite sure how you will react if you do.
During the second half of the evening David was trying to get through a lot more people. He was struggling with the first lady but then the next 3 were really interesting and accurate.
He then went to a lady sat behind me and was describing a man she did not know (nor did we by the way) then he started to talk about someone having a camera down the throat to find stomach cancer and he kept repeating this to the lady behind us but she said no it did not mean anything to her. He also asked if there was a connection to someone in re-education/learning etc. He then said he needed to come to me (I was so nervous my heart was racing but I told myself to focus!) Mum was biting her nails furiously!!!
I should point out here that David said the reason he was jumping between me and the lady behind us was because the spirits realised he was running out of time and were all trying to get their say in (hee hee sounds like Dad!!)
He asked me if the comments re the camera and the stomach cancer meant anything to me and I simply said yes. He then relayed the following and I can’t be accurate about the order of what was said but the content is correct.
This gentleman was misdiagnosed 18 months prior to being correctly diagnosed (Mum said this was correct – I assume this was referring to dad being diagnosed with diabetes).
This gentleman had cancer in his stomach area and it just ate away at him and he became a sorry sight (this was something that used to upset us all but mum used that phrase on occasions and found it particularly hard to see).
He said that we kept what was wrong with him a secret at first because we knew he would worry and he thanks us for this – he said it was kind of us.
David then referred back to the comments re education. At first he was asking if someone was going back to study or learning computers etc. I said no. Then he asked Dad to repeat himself and he said it was someone doing a degree – I said yes and he said they will do well and get a 2:1 masters and he is really really proud of them. (Well done Joe!)
Then he said that the gentleman said he was ok.
He then asked to be passed to mum and told her he felt he had a fatherly figure with her – we thought at this point it may be my granddad (mums dad) but he went on to say this gentleman says he was a good man and lived a good decent life, he repeated he was a good man – we knew this was dad as although Grandad was also a good man it was a term frequently used by people to describe dad.
He asked mum if she had connections with various names: Dorothy, William/Bill, Margaret, Fred – he described Fred and said he was with this man and was "our Fred" – we are not sure if this was mums cousin – a bit sketchy but… He also described that our Fred had died after a long illness connected with his lungs and then heart. This is true.
He then went on to say he was leaving the spirits love with us, he was ok and he says to mum "keep well" and was sending healing messages through for her problems. He said that he "didn't believe in this kind of stuff" when he was alive. This is also true.
Can’t explain how this felt, it was comforting to say the least and strengthens my belief in life after death in the form of the spirit world – to summarise I think Dad was validating who he was when describing the stomach cancer etc and had come through just to say he was ok and was watching over mum.
PS – David returned to the woman behind us and said some things that could have also been dad but as she was confirming what was said I decided I was being greedy thinking this but just for the record the points were:
This person was confused near the end and was given drugs to help him sleep and stop the confusion
This person drifted in and out of consciousness for a couple of days prior to passing
There was a December anniversary – 15th/16th (Mum met dad on 5th)
There were 3 people with him when he passed (I was convinced by this until she said and 2 people arrived late which meant something to the lady behind me)
Another message that was getting passed from us to the other family was a connection to under the stairs! Someone hiding there when scared???