Tuesday 15 April 2008

Tuesday 15th April - Cape Town

We had an easy drive from the airport to the Victoria and Alfred Holtel - the sun by now is shining and it's very warm. We had been concerned when we noticed the South African travellers all getting off the plane in big winter coats!

Our room is lovely. Spacious, comfortable. I'm currently sitting in an easy chair reading about the V&A Waterfront and listening to African singers in the piazza outside. I also just heard the Noon Gun go off - it's fired from Signal Hill each day.

We ventured out arund the waterfront to find out where things are - there are plentiful shops and restaurants here. We looked at some menus and were drawn into the Greek Fisherman for lunch, our first taste of SA food and hospitality. We didn't want to over do it so we got greek salad, hummous and taramasalata with a loaf of Greek Peasant bread. Oh and two glasses of Castle beer .http://www.greekfisherman.co.za/menu.htm
Everything was delicious. Roy was feeling tired so after a stroll round we had an hour back in the room and he had a short nap. At 5pm we ventured out again and booked into Den Anker restaurant for dinner. We found a group of seals lying (and being noisy) on a jetty so we watched them for a while. We ogled some more at Table Mountain - it's so beautiful as a back drop to the Waterfront. It is in the high 70's, temperature wise. Just perfect.

Dinner was excellent. Both had fillet steak (Roy au poivre, Jan with Bearnaise) and it was very good indeed. Bottle of Shiraz. Roy had a pear and almond tart and Jan had cheesecake. Followed by the strongest Irish coffees ever! They made them at the table, and lit the whisky first. Very dramatic. http://www.denanker.co.za/

Home to bed.