Sunday 27 April 2008

Kwandwe, Day 3

Morning drive:
Four white rhinos
Vervet Monkeys

We were on the trail of elephants for most of the drive.
We heard them - trumpeting and crashing trees down. We saw and smelled their dung. We witnessed the wreckage they left behind them. We did not see elephant.

Sunday evening drive:
We had new guests - an English couple called Nick and Nicky who are both Doctors and on honeymoon. They are quite dull. We also had a new tracker who is called Banana. Banana found us four lions, a female and her three young (not tiny cubs, a bit older than that). We also saw rhino, warthog, buffalo and yellow billed duck.

A very quiet night, but then Alfie spotted a feather in our tracks - he picked it up and it was from an eagle spotted owl. So we decreed it to be our "lucky feather" and indeed it was.

On the way back to camp (shivering after dark despite wearing 4 layers and my new beanie hat) we saw not one but two Aardwolf! This was incredible - it's always a thrill to spot the rarer animals. Alfie could not believe we saw two. He got over excited thinking that one was a baby but then decided it was an adult. We also saw a porcupine.

Tonight there were no stars as it was cloudy. Back in camp we were served white gluhwein... that's how cold it is after dark here!