Saturday 9 July 2005

Saturday 9th July - Ras Nungwi

At 7am I was on the balcony writing this journal. Then I got very hot and went back indoors. Today was sunny, hot and breezy with a rough sea. Which isn't great news because tomorrow is the day we go deep sea fishing. The boat guy warned us there would be swells. Hmmm. Luckily he came to find us today to discuss the trip as I'd got it in my head we were going the day after tomorrow.
Another day of doing nothing. Reading in the hammock, watching kite surfers. Oh, and we booked on to the sunset Cruise for our last evening here. So - it's another 6am start tomorrow.
Roy has discovered the masseuse here, she "does" you on the beach for $10. He's having his back done every day.
His watched stopped so we just sort of guessed when it was time to go out for dinner. Not a bad guess - it was 7.10 and we thought it was 7.30. We had nibbles and beer before a dinner of Tuna Carpaccio and a lovely soup of tamarind, coconut and plantain. Then HUGE prawns, Zanzibari style. Finished off with a chocolate and banana pancake. We went to bed after coffee as we have an early start. Also, we're getting a bit irritated by the Stepford Wives and Husbands in the hotel. They're all young(ish) southerners with the same accents and are boring to eavesdrop on. Let alone to chat to.