Monday 11 July 2005

Monday 11th July - Ras Nungwi

After an early breakfast (have I mentioned how good the home made scones are???) we sat on our veranda until 9-ish and then got our sunbeds for the day sorted out. We watched two dive boats go out, but no-one else appeared on the beach this morning. Odd. We decided to take a walk to Nungwi village, along the shore, as soon as the tide was out far enough. We stopped to visit a turtle sanctuary where a young village boy showed us around. It was so peaceful there. They also had tortoise and python. I told our guide that tortoise were popular and expensive in the UK - slight misunderstanding as he thought I meant as food! We watched a rat cowering in the corner of the python cage awaiting its fate. But it was obviously not feeding time so we didn't have to witness his demise.

We walked back slowly to find that it was already 12.30. Another morning had passed so quickly. It was cloudy on and off with some rain, but when the sun did appear it was blistering hot! We watched Mr Christopher giving another superb display of kite surfing.

Dinner was a buffet - chicken and banana soup (actually very good) followed by an assortment of salads, crab, fish, steak, lobster, shrimps, potatoes and local maize. There was a wide choice of dessert so we tried all of them! Rude not to. It was nice, but not as good as the usual 4 course menu. Bed at 10. Slept till 7.