Friday 8 July 2005

Ras Nungwi - Friday 8th July

By 7am and I was up and unpacking our cases. We went to breakfast at about 9. It's a very good buffet with lots of homemade scones and breads, alongside the usual fried stuff. The fresh fruit is lovely.

Today was very overcast, but we took some loungers by the beach and as usual I plastered myself in sun cream. As usual, Roy didn't and is now living proof that you CAN burn through cloud!

An uneventful day - deliberately so. Watched the dive boats going out. Lazed around reading. Roy had a massage. Had lunch. Lazed around some more. Got ready for dinner. I felt like a human again - in that I painted my nails, plucked my eyebrows, used a hairdryer and wore make up at dinner! I will secretly admit that I quite liked the "wash 'n go" lifestyle at Selous - I'm lazy like that.

The people here don't really socialise much. People avoid eye contact and sit alone. It feels odd after the Selous. There are a lot of Americans here, too. Dinner was superb - Grilled Sardines, Soup, Tuna with a Citrus Hollandaise or Jerk Pork with Bean Salsa. Followed by Fruit Kebabs with mint "pesto". The wine list is mainly South African, and we have yet to choose a bad one...

After Dinner we had coffee and Baileys then headed to bed as the bar was deserted and we were both tired.

On the way back to our room (we're still getting used to having a key) I saw a shooting star. My first one ever - so many first times this week! First husband, First Safari...

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