Tuesday 12 July 2005

Tuesday 12th July - Ras Nungwi

Very hot and humid today. No sun though. Torrential rain at 10.30. Rained on and off, heavily at times, until 4pm and then was cool and breezy. Everything feels damp. This feels like the endless day - we took a walk down the south east coastline but had to turn back due to rain. And after 3pm you can't walk far on the beach because of the tides. So we ate, slept and read. I have a heavy cold and must check the symptoms of sleeping sickness!

Also today we started with our paranoia about how we don't speak to anybody.

A huge group of Americans has moved in. They are already hogging the pool area. They have lots of children and I listened to them at breakfast consulting with chef Lars about dietary requirements. How sad to hear Lars agreeing to cook them burgers and pizza. The food here is so good - the kids should at least try some of it. Lars is funny - he claims his wild food inventions (chicken and banana soup being just one example) are due to his parents having dropped too much acid in the '60s!

I'm starting to feel a bit outfaced with food. Maybe it has something to do with the sausage sandwich, scone, and prawn and lobster cakes I ate. Tomorrow is our Sunset cruise. Let's hope that the weather has improved by then.

Dinner was barracuda pate, leek and potato soup, chicken zimbabwe style or sailfish and a passion fruit and mango cheesecake. After coffee and liquers, we called it a day. That'd be another 10pm bedtime!