Tuesday 19 July 2005

Tuesday 19th July - Homeward Bound

5am alarm. 5.15am breakfast. Pack. Go. We were at the airport at 5.50am for our 6.50 flight. Needless to say, check in was a palaver with the usual assortment of taxes to be paid and much tipping involved. One day, we'll work out our tax and tips bill for this trip! A short, pleasant flight to Dar es Salaam, and then a delay to our BA flight home (by 1 hour 15 minutes). Somehow, we were called through early and I missed my last shopping experience! Mind you, buying a cup of tea and coffee at the airport was a drama in itself so maybe not getting in to the proper shops was a good thing.

So here I am, on BA046 to London, wondering what the future holds for my new job, and looking forward to planning our next trip. The list of places to visit is long, and so, who knows when we'll be back to Tanzania and Zanzibar? The people here are so lovely - even up to the last people we saw at the airport gate... so polite and genuine.

All good things must end, and so does this honeymoon. But it will never be forgotten and we both feel enriched as a result of the experiences we've had. We've decided that in future, we'll try to "travel" as opposed to "have holidays". To learn and appreciate other cultures is so rewarding, and I don't feel that I've captured even a fraction of that in this journal. We are also blessed to be able to mix luxury with learning, and that is fantastic.