Wednesday 20 February 2008

Catching up and feeling insecure

More blog news: I have finally written up my holiday notes from the Maldives last year. To read them, click on 2007 and September. It'll be obvious which are my holiday blogs - they all say something along the lines of: ate, sunbathed, snorkelled, ate, drank, slept. But there are nice pics to cheer you up on a Winter day.

The company I work for are known for being "hire and fire" merchants. Recently they've made two people redundant - neither of whom had worked there for very long. And so it kind of makes me nervous. I know that there is little security in any job today, but I really would like to get at least another 12 months in doing this job.

So, it is frosty and sunny and I'm going for a walk now with my new camera (and Roy). It's my lunchtime. Just in case you were thinking I'm skiving.