Saturday 16 February 2008

A wonderful new foodie find

We've been away for a few days, staying at Mum's house. On Friday she had to go in to hospital (the dreaded Warrington Hospital) for a cardioversion procedure to "cure" her atrial fibrillation.

So we went over on Thursday afternoon as I'd been working in Manchester all morning. As we arrived, Mum was just walking out of her building to go to the hairdressers. Do you know it made me really sad to see her coming down the corridor on her own. Didn't seem right. I know that sounds daft, but usually I am with Mum and not watching her going about her normal business alone.

The good news is that the Cardioversion worked and mum's heart rate is now back to normal. She had this done about 4 years ago and it worked then, but the Consultant thinks that the stress of last year may have caused it to kick back to an irregular rythym. That spelling of rythym doesn't look right to me but I can't figure out how the spell checker on this blog works.

So, whilst I was at the hospital with Mum, Roy was decorating Emily's bedroom. It's pink and silver! Very cool paper - fuschia pink leaves on a silver backing. But that's only on one wall, so it doesn't look too overpowering. He's done a nice job, got the wall papered and all the other walls and wood work painted.

Actually I'm fibbing a bit about being at the hospital all day with Mum - they wouldn't let me wait with her in the morning and so I went shopping into the new Mall in Warrington. I got a load of tops for my hols in the sales and a few other bits and pieces.
The nurse said I could go and sit with Mum after 12.30, until she could come home. They finally did the last ECG and released her at about 3.30pm.

Today was lovely - bright and sunny - and so we took Mum out for a run into Cheshire to a pub I'd heard of and wanted to try.

It was very good. Excellent food and spectacular views. I know it was sunny but I did think that the people sitting outside with drinks were pushing it a bit! The temperature was about 2 degrees!

So we decided to book a night there in July for our wedding anniversary. Not on the anniversary itself (that weekend is the anniversary of Dad's death and I want to get Mum over here then) but on 12th July. Same day as racing at Chester so we plan to have a nice day at the races and then an evening at the Pheasant Inn.

Well here we are home again, tired and cold (our boiler keeps breaking down so when we got here there was no heating on).