Sunday 3 February 2008

Moving to a different diet

Well, Slimming World has been useful in getting us back on the right track, but I feel we have to move on. Mainly because of lunchtimes. It's a nightmare not being able to take a sandwich - which is simple and easy to make and transport and eat!

I'm not up for faffing about with salads or flasks of soup. I know that sounds pathetic, but that's how it is just now.

Soooo... we're moving to the GI Diet. Not exactly South Beach but pretty much the same! Except I want to take some of the low fat principles I used on Slimming World and apply them here, as I've been guilty of doing "low GI - high fat" in the past.

I still have not got to the gym. I promised I was going today - as it's the start of our 10 week countdown to the South Africa trip. And I'm determined I'll be fit enough to do lots of walking.
In fact, I spent far too much time this weekend researching South Africa on line and in books. Maybe an hour away from that and at the gym would have been a better use of time.

On a positive note, I've done my tax return (all bar some info I need to phone and get from my ex-employer tomorrow), sorted my paperwork in the office, and cooked up a whole load of healthy food!

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