Tuesday 12 February 2008

A new Germ Buster record

Well last night I beat my all time Germ Buster record score - I got 1330, previous best was 904. So I feel it maybe time to retire as Germ Buster Champ of our house. Well, actually, the only Germ Buster player in our house.

I've updated my blog for our holiday in Wales last year - go to 2007, 14th - 20th July if you're interested. The blogging bit wasn't the problem, but the photos take ages to upload. There must be a quicker way?

Diet update: Well, since abandoning Slimming World for "Low Fat, Low GI", as I suspected, the control has slipped somewhat. I need a structure of counting or limiting food, I feel. Having a rethink. We haven't been eating badly, but almost certainly eating more than when we were on SW. I'll ponder on this and let you know what we decide.