Friday 8 February 2008

A pet hate and my favourite fast food

I spend a lot of time online and in particular, on a couple of internet communities.

One of the trends that I dislike is this concept of calling everybody "hun" or "hunny" (ugh, it makes me shudder) and falling in love with everybody within hours of "meeting" them online.
When I say "falling in love" I don't mean in the romantic sense, but some people have this way of forming strong emotional attachments to online friends really quickly.

I don't tend to see it on most of the sites I use, but I think it's very much a trend for younger people. It drives me crackers. So I just thought I'd mention it.

I have visited a lot of online cooking blogs and some of them are amazing. Fabulous recipes, and even better photographs. So I've decided to try my new camera out and take some food porn pics. It's tricker than you'd think.

In the picture is my frittata (last night's dinner). Fresh out of the pan - in fact you can see the steam rising out of it!

I usually serve this with a more substantial salad but all I had in were tomatoes. I had to crop the pic as the plate was resting on the cooker top, and it looked a bit grubby in close up! Despite only having been cleaned yesterday.

Ingredients: Eggs, Mushroom, Courgette, Onion, Spinach, Red Pepper, Cheddar cheese.

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