Friday 1 February 2008

It started with a latte.....

I have to report 2 "iffy" days this week, diet wise.

It all started with a latte. On Tuesday I went to meet a colleague at a hotel in Birmingham. At 12 noon. I ordered coffee when I got there - large latte for her, regular coffee for me. They bought us two large lattes. Instead of sending it back (well the girl who served us seemed a bit educationally sub-normal, and I'm not being nasty here but I'd have felt mean telling her she'd screwed up our order. Oh plus I'm the passive aggressive type anyway by nature) I drank it. After adding 3 large sugars.

So the latte itself would have made a meal, and then Jackie (my colleague) says "I'm starving, shall we order lunch?". I agreed, and instead of looking for soup or salad, which really is about the best option for SW, I ordered a prawn mayo sandwich. Not TOO bad, I'm thinking.... but then ate the crisps that came with it. Well, some of them.

I carried on "as normal" that night, so at least I didn't blow it completely. Next day was a different story though.

I went to Aberdeen for the day. Oh - and I apologise to Aberdeen for calling it a shit-tip on my last visit. This time I was right in the City centre and it's rather nice. I digress. I didn't have time for breakfast at home so I had a coffee and a cereal bar in the airport. Then on the flight they offered us "snacks". I had an apple juice and another cereal bar.... one that was covered in chocolate. So far, so bad. Well not great, anyway. I studiously avoided the biscuits at my meeting and afterwards went to Caffe Nero and ordered a tuna/cheese panini, cappucino AND a seed/cranberry muffin. It's getting worse, isn't it? At the airport coming back I ate 2 ginger biscuits with a coffee. And a small packet of crisps on the flight. Then I got home, at 8.30-ish and made 2 rounds of cheese on toast.

My point, aside from how easy it is to lapse, is how easy it is NOT to eat fruit and veg! Shocking!

On Thursday I was back on track and tried to address the fruit/veg shortfall from the day before.

Aside from that I cannot get over my mental block about going to the gym. More on that another time.

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