Wednesday 11 July 2007

Back home for good

This feels odd. I'm back home and this time there will be no extended trips back to Mum's place. So I have to quickly establish a "normal" life for myself. Even though I didn't really have one before Dad fell ill, as I was on garden leave from my job. Strange.

Actually, I can delay being normal for at least another week as we're going on holiday next week to Wales. It will be a good time to do some thinking and planning.

This week has been productive. If you can call closing down Dad's financial affairs and clearing out his room productive. I suppose you can. Most of what I wanted to achieve I have, and so on that level it has been a good week. Mum met with the Pension Service Bereavement chap on Monday and he went through all of that type of stuff with us. Then we took a trip into Widnes to sort out the bank accounts.

Tuesday we went to Rivendell Garden Centre for a mooch around and then to the Griffin in Eccleston for lunch. We finished our trip out by going to Bridewell Court and paying the reservation fee on mum's new apartment. We (me, Lol, mum) came back quite buzzed up and happy - does that sound weird? For me, it was so good to see mum out and about and making an effort - and I know it probably is a big effort for her.

Today we cleared Dad's room. Most of his clothes went to the charity shop, with books and CDs etc being shared between us kids. There were a few little emotional moments but overall we got through it ok. I still visit various cancer websites (haven't deleted that folder in favourites yet!) and I get a bit freaked out when I read all these people saying that they can't cope without their lost loved one and that they're distraught all the time and crying every waking moment. Makes me wonder if there is something wrong with me. Or if grief is going to come along and hit me like a brick wall one day soon.

Lil and Bren came to visit mum at lunchtime and then I left for home shortly afterwards.

And here I am.

I have a lot to do in the next two days (cleaning, signing on, calling a few people, packing) and then I'm off for the week.

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