Tuesday 31 July 2007

Nothing to talk about

Seems strange, now that I am home, I have bugger all to blog about!

I haven't blogged for ages. I have little to say. And with that, here follows a diatribe.

I know I need to put my week in Wales onto the blog. I'll catch up eventually. It's on my "to do" list. In fact, this week, I am feeling slightly overwhelmed by my "to do" list. It is growing daily and I am ticking little off. Some highlights are:

- get a job; have a huge ebay sale; get fit; clean entire house top to bottom; rebook South Africa; sort out finances; mum's house move; organise paperwork in office; sort computer out (more on that later; do some online courses; organise my leisure time; pick up volunteer opportunities; update Blog from old travel journals; do HR1 exam (Boring Financial services stuff); etc. etc.

I don't know where to start. I am reverting to bubble behaviour where I spend my time absorbed in nonsense on the internet rather than taking positive actions in my real life. It's so much easier. Short term, that is. Meanwhile, shit is piling up. Apologies for my language.

Actually, I have achieved a couple of things this week. I have finally sorted my photographs on my laptop. I managed to acquire about 5 copies of each, all in different folders, in two different drives. My C drive was full and crying out to be released of some gigabytes. My D drive was full of duplicate stuff. I think it is in a much better state now. I just hope I haven't erased anything important! Or downloaded anything evil (I pulled some Laptop Cleaner stuff off the internet).

I can't use Dad as an excuse for my bubble behaviour - I've been like this before, notably when first on garden leave from Pru. It's like I don't know what to do with all this time I have... I'm better with a deadline, LOL.

I was looking at some photographs of Christmas 2006 this morning... Dad was on them, smiling, chatting, tucking into his lunch. Hard to believe that almost exactly six months later he was dead. So even more reason not to sit around squandering valuable time, eh?

So, I will stop wallowing and get back to my "sorting the bedroom out" task.

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