Friday 6 July 2007

Starting to look forwards

The morning after Dad's funeral.

Lorraine and Paul came round for breakfast. We all ate sausage sandwiches. Then Lorraine went to collect the flowers from the Crem. We had decided to place them on Mum's family grave - this is where Dad's ashes will eventually be placed.

We hadn't been to the cemetery for years... so it took us about 20 minutes to find the grave. Not too bad, considering! We placed the flowers and headed home.

This evening we went to Le Frog - a restaurant in St Helens - for an early dinner. It was very nice. Then back to mums for coffee and tv. Paul and Roy went for a few pints at the pub where Joe works.

In the last week we've had so many beautiful cards and emails expressing sympathy, good wishes and love to the family. They're all so nice.

I've been trying to upload some pictures of the flowers but it keeps crashing, so I'll post this blog and try again later. Hurray - success at last, five days later!

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