Friday 20 July 2007

Sychnant Pass and a rainy end to our trip

Woke to teaming rain. No surprise really, as it was forecast. However, that gorgeous red sky last night made us a bit hopeful.
No idea what to do.
Don't fancy getting wet.
Got up late. Sat watching golf on tv.

Drove to Sychnant Pass and were amazed to see the beautiful wild ponies. So calm and not at all bothered by us. We followed them for ages (in the rain).

We ended up back in the caravan early.

Lorraine, Paul and Emily arrived this evening for an overnight stay. We drove up to the Groes Inn for dinner. Very good food, but HUGE starters. We enjoyed it a lot - looks like a good place to stay and definitely one to note for future reference.

Tomorrow we drive home - after a very nice week.

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