Sunday 15 July 2007

Llandudno and Conwy

Woke early - 7.30am - and the weather was still holding out nicely. Had breakfast and decided to take a walk on the beach. At about 10am we packed up our lunch and headed over to Llandudo (pronounced: Clandidno). It was pretty busy so we struggled to get parked up. Eventually we decided to drive the scenic toll road around the Great Orme. After we'd had a quick look in the shops and watched a Parade in honour of 25 years passing since Britain's victory in the Falklands War.

The drive was nice - we got out briefly at the top of the Great Orme to eat lunch and use the facilities. Dad visited a lovely Convalescence Home in Llandudno twice - once after his hip replacement and once after his heart surgery. We spent a little while looking for it but couldn't remember properly where it was. Found out later that it is no longer there! Today they were running the Great Orme Road Race so we watched the runners coming into the finish (right on the summit) while we ate our sandwiches. There are some fit people around!

After Llandudno we headed to Conwy. Had a walk around the castle walls and a little look round the town. It seemed nice but we were getting a bit wet so we jumped in the car and came home. Spent the rest of the afternoon reading the Sunday papers and snoozing.. until 6pm when we'd arranged to go for a swim.

We'd also booked a table in the site restaurant for 7.30pm... once again had tried for 8 but the good people of Wales seem determined not to let us eat at 8pm! Dinner was the Sunday Lunch menu! I grumbled that it would be leftovers, but it actually was very good.

We were back in the caravan early and watched tv, read more and drank Baileys. It has rained here solidly since 4pm.

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