Thursday 19 July 2007


Today we left at 9.20am for a day out in the depths of Snowdonia. We headed to Llanberis which is the start point for the easy walk up Snowden and also home of the Snowden Mountain Railway. You've guessed it - we took the train.
It was a beautiful day and so quite busy here. We booked on to the 11.30am train and then went for a walk around the top end of Lake Padarn. Nice, peaceful place. Got the train. Roy moaned about
a) the standard of the carriage and
b) that it is currently only going 2/3rds of the way up the mountain due to building work at the top.

Never mind - it is a stunning journey up - fabulous views. Beautiful foxglove line the railway tracks.

Funny though, when Roy reminded me that in Canada we went twice and three times as high up in Banff and Jasper.
After the train trip we ate our lunch and took a stroll into the High Street. It was deserted - I bet it's a different story at weekends. We got an ice cream and then headed by car across the stunningly beautiful Llanberis pass into Bedgelert. We didn't stop, but kept driving all the way home. We wanted to have a nice chill out in the sun on our deck, but of course the sun went in just 10 minutes after we sat down.

At 8pm we set off for the Queens Arms - in a small village near Penrhyn Bay/Rhos. Nice place, not cheap but pretty good grub. A beautiful sunset tonight - we missed most of it but caught the afterglow - so we drove back the scenic route. Check out my first Blog Video at the bottom of this page!

Sunset, TV, Baileys and bed.

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