Saturday 22 September 2007

Eel excitement

The sun came out today! At 9.30am. Yay.

We spent 40 minutes on the jetties doing "Dolphin Watch" as a guy had told us they swam past every morning between 9.30 and 10.30am. We gave up just after 10 - we're impatient like that.

Plus we never see sodding dolphins!

Sat on the beach this morning before heading out for a snorkel. I couldn't see the eel in his usual home so we decided to go turtle hunting further down the reef. As we got to the "fallen tree corner" of the beach, I heard Geordie Boy telling some other Brits that he hadn't seen the turtle today. They said there was a Moray Eel out though, so I headed back off toward the reef in the general direction in which they were pointing.

Sure enough, a few minutes later, our eel swam past me. I looked for Roy but he'd got out of the water by now. I swam on, still determined to find the turtle. I was on a part of the reef I don't much like as it gets really choppy and sand swirls up making visibility not so great. I decided the best thing to do was to snorkel on to the next bay as I was too far out from the beach and going against the current if I swam back to our sun beds. I glanced down and was amazed to see a huge Honeycomb Moray right below me in a rock. Wow!

I took some photos and then looked up to see Roy on the shore about 20 metres away. I swam over to him and told him to come out and see the eel. Incredibly, I managed to find the exact spot straight away and the eel was still there. He didn't like it though, when I put my flash on the camera - he snapped his head up at me, mouth wide open! Oops. I swam off, a bit freaked out by this!

So, a highly successful snorkel.

After lunch we sat in the shade and read and then had a short snorkel. Then more reading. Followed by a game of travel scrabble on the patio and a quick session of stalking Wiggy along the beach.

Before we knew it, it was dinner time. BBQ Buffet theme tonight, which was a bit odd. But ok.

After dinner we chatted with our next door neighbours who had been on the sunset fishing trip. As had Geordie Boy - again. Then we headed to Blue Lagoon where we pondered on a huge black cloud shaped like the UK. We watched it roll in from the sea and pointed out Kings Lynn, Bristol and Liverpool. It didn't bring rain. Bed by 11.