Wednesday 19 September 2007

It's just another day for you and me in paradise

You don't spring out of bed here. We usually just about manage to make breakfast by 9.15-ish. It finishes at 9.30.

Then we go back to read and cool down in our room. Then we hit the beach, usually under the shade of a tree and take a pre lunch snorkel. Today we saw this box puffer fish.
I forgot to mention lizards in my list of wildlife. And I've included a picture of the "bee tree" in today's blog.

Then lunch. Today - salad, tuna and pineapple (!) pizza, yoghurt and coconut curry. After lunch, a little lie down and read (well it IS the hottest part of the day).

Then more beach, definitely under a tree in the afternoon, and one or two more snorkels. Depending on the weather (cloud cover or not).

Pre Dinner drinks will either be sundowners at Blue Lagoon before showering, or drinks at Fisherman's Bar after showering. Either way, we're in dinner by about 8.15pm and back out at 9.30pm for more drinks, usually at Blue Lagoon. If we're lucky we can stargaze whilst sitting on the beach in low recliner chairs, which are sooooo comfortable.

We're always in bed between 11 and 12.

And that is pretty much the daily pattern here.