Tuesday 11 September 2007

Woo Hoo - I've signed off!

Hurray! Today I took my signing on card down to the Job Centre and told them where to shove it. Well, that last bit isn't true... I politely and nicely explained that I wouldn't be signing on again and was no longer in need of their £59 per week.

I am out of the country from 13th September (did I mention I was going on hols??) and you are not entitled to Jobseekers Allowance when out of the country. Then, pretty much as soon as I get back, I'll be starting work.

So no more "dole" for me. No more signing on visits on Monday mornings. And I hope never again... or at least for a very long time.

So I celebrated with an iced coffee and a Breakaway biscuit.

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