Monday 24 September 2007

A new home

Wow, today is sunny AND hot!
We picked up the keys to our water villa after breakfast and moved straight in.
It's gorgeous - very private and with fabulous decking area outside.

As I write, I am back from lunch (egg salad sandwich and chocolate gateau) and just sitting in the shade on our deck watching the island maintenance men building a new groyne on the beach near to the Blue Lagoon Bar. It is a shame they have to put these in but they help slow down beach erosion and so are necessary. They look ugly though. This picture shows the beach BEFORE the groyne goes in.

My morning snorkel unearthed the black eel asleep in his rock, and the Clown Triggerfish. He's tricky to photograph - the best I could do is on this page but take from above so you can't really see his beautiful markings very well. Not much else. Will go out later. The second picture is a big Titan triggerfish with poppy eyes. These things bite if you go anywhere near their nests.

It is so hot on our deck. We last a short while in the sun before retreating back into the shade. Spent all afternoon chilling on deck and watching the rollers coming in over the far reef. Tonight, Roy went to pick up a bottle of wine from the bar which we drank on deck and watched the best sunset all holiday. A perfect first day in our villa.

Dinner was a "no particular theme" night but good. BBQ beef and sausages. After dinner we watched a Dive Team slideshow in Fishermans and then came back to our villa for coffee and star gazing/lagoon torching on deck. Bedtime.

And now we find the downsideds to an ocean villa. We left doors and curtains open in hope of getting some breeze into the room. After a while, the heat was still stifling and the noise of the ocean on our deck was becoming unbearable. At about 4am we tried closing all the doors and windows up and letting the fan and air con cool the room. Problem is, it's a wooden room with 2 tiny air con units. The wood absorbs all the heat and won't let go of it - kind of like a sauna!

Eventually we slept. Woke just before 8 with the light coming in to the room - something else we weren't used to in our bungalow, which had black out curtains.