Wednesday 26 September 2007

Starting to think about home

Hotter than yesterday. Woke at 7. After breakfast we bought some tat in the shop - pictures for our bathroom at home. Then we sunbathed. I'm now in the shade already. Tracy Chapman is on the ipod. Life is good.

A quick snorkel before lunch (apparently the turtle was out but we didn't see him).
Lunch was good - fishfingers and salad cream, sweet and sour chicken. Bread and butter pudding.

Back massage at 2.30pm. Really good -s he really finds those evil knots in between my shoulder blades. I had a bit of time to reflect whilst massage was being done. I started thinking about how Dad told me he'd never had a massage. I remember being surprised and wishing I'd bought him one for a birthday present as he said he'd have liked to try it. Then I started to ponder on life after holidays - back to a job, a normal life. Earning money! I wondered about coming across all of Dad's stuff that we kept - medicines, his Blood Sugar testing kit, etc). I wonder if they'll just become harsh reminders of bad times - should they be thrown away?

After my massage I walked to the sunset viewing platform at the end of the water villas and had a ponder about life and the future. I watched Geordie Boy snorkel across the lagoon in front of the Water Villas. Now there's a guy who lives life to the full.

After Roy got back we sat mostly in the shade and then went for a late afternoon snorkel. Loads of tiny tiny fish in the water. Some more new fish. The house reef here really is very impressive. We came back and showered, watched another near perfect sunset and walked down to Blue Lagoon where it took us 40 minutes to get 2 beers. So we had a moan about that and then headed to dinner. It was Maldivian buffet night and was really tasty. I had no idea what I was eating but it tasted great. Lots of rice puddings, too.

After dinner we watched Wiggy on the jetty for ages and also two Rays. Met Rebecca and her mum (our neighbours from room 63) and went for a drink with them in the Fisherman's bar. Didn't get to bed until after midnight, which is late for us!