Thursday 20 September 2007

Happy Birthday to me!

Last night we sat and watched a storm coming in from sea. It was quite sinister to see, as big black clouds covered the moon and stars and then our island. At 1.30am we were woken by THE largest thunder claps I've ever heard in my life. I thought our bungalow roof would come off. The rain continued for a while and then eased off. I could see it bouncing off the floor outside, presumably washing away the think layer of sand that covers the concrete in front of the bungalows. Rain woke us intermittently through the night and by 9am it had stopped but it is very overcast.
We had coffee on our balcony as I opened my birthday cards. I had a little cry when I opened my card from Mum. It should have been from Mum and Dad and that's all I am going to say on the subject.

After breakfast we strolled around the shop (again). Roy says I am only allowed a total of 10 visits into the shop and I think I've had 6 already. Then we looked on the jetty and finally back to our room.

After lunch - pasta, pizza, rice, chicken, black forest gateau - we went for a snorkel. How exciting - Roy spotted an eel resting in the coral! And I found two gorgeous clams, one with ultra-violet inside it.

We went fruit bat hunting in the jungle (interior of the island) this afternoon but didn't spot any.

We got ready early tonight as we'd booked to go on the sunset fishing trip at 5.30pm. There were just ten of us on the boat. It was fairly dull. Livened only by Geordie Boy's (more on him later) competitive fishing. He even brought along his own fishing reel. At one point one of the Maldivian boat boys took my line and wouldn't give it back to me for a good 20 minutes! Anyway, I caught two fish, Roy caught none. Ooooh he didn't like that!

Dinner was fish and chips (ironically). I was surprised by Mohammed (our waiter) having decorated our table and then he brought out a lovely birthday cake. They check for birthdays etc when you register. Nice touch. A few drinks in the bar and then bed. Roy refused to do a jetty walk - I think he was sulking due to

a) not catching any fish and

b) forgetting his flashlight

It rained again from 11pm to 9am.