Thursday 27 September 2007

Our last full day on Fiha

Up early and in for breakfast just after 8. A record! Too hot for sunbathing so we prowled around the deck again, snorkelled and did a bit of packing.

Sausage in mash for lunch, yes, in this heat! Followed by choc sponge and custard.

After lunch we did our last snorkel and I was thrilled to see once again, the school of surgeon fish. I followed them down the reef for ages. And now you can follow them down the page.

Our final massage was at 5pm. How can these tiny girls be so powerful?

We then got ready for sunset, drinks and dinner. Dinner was American theme. Poor Mohammed and all the other waiters were dressed up in jeans, checked shirts and cowboy hats. How demeaning. Not to mention hot. The food was good - grilled lamb chops, bbq chicken, creamed spinach, pumpkin mash, burgers - just to name a few things we tried.

After dinner we had a drink with Becca and her mum in Fishermans Bar and listened to live music. It poured with rain on our way home, we got drenched!

It's very embarrassing - but we don't know Becca's mum's name and after knowing them for two weeks I don't like to ask!