Monday 17 September 2007

Sticky toffee pudding and custard... in this heat??

Woke at 8 and then dozed a while.

We had porridge for breakfast. Nice, but strange in the heat. After a cool down in the room we snorkelled the house reef near our bungalow. Saw shark, parrot fish, lovely yellow fish.

For lunch it was... wait for it.... grilled fish! In mango sauce and with butter couscous and salad. Followed by papaya. Well I had papaya. Roy had sticky toffee pudding and custard. I am amazed at the selection of puds at lunchtime. I do think the food is better at lunch than dinner some days.

Our post lunch snorkel was good - saw lots of new fish.

You would not think that an island so small (700m round) would have so much wildlife on it. We've seen rats - one ran through the restaurant during dinner last night - and Roy saw one by our trees this morning. There is a bird that makes the most annoying loud sound - usually just when you're dozing off. Two herons. Black bees, which we watch from our balcony getting pollen from the tree outside our room. Little mini roadrunner type birds. Or Silly Birds as Roy calls them. Ants - lots of them, and some big buggers, too. What else? I forget for now.

The noisy bird sounds like a howler monkey. I've never actually heard a howler monkey but it's how I would imagine one to sound.

Went for a late snorkel at 5-ish and was thrilled to see my first ever Clown Triggerfish. Amazing markings. It disappeared fairly quickly though.

Sundowners at Blue Lagoon. It is VERY windy tonight... what is going to blow in? Dinner was fish, lemon rice, butter lemon sauce - big yum, as my friend Carol would say.
Diplomat pudding and coffee mousse cake.

Watched a diving film in the Fishermans bar after dinner and then headed to Blue Lagoon for a nightcap. It is now blowing a gale and rained heavily just after we got back in to our room tonight.