Friday 21 September 2007

Rain stops play...

We had a pleasant time on the jetty after breakfast watching a needlefish stalking a bunch of small fish (unsuccessfully). Then a small Ray came in to help, got his breakfast and retreated back under the jetty.

It is raining today. During a short break in rain we ventured out snorkelling. The eel is still there, wrapped around a coral outcrop, and this time we got a good look at the back of his body. Unfortuntely, a bad storm blew in while we were snorkelling so we got out of the water fast!

We're now in our room listening to music and the rain.

It cleared up a bit at teatime, so we took a long walk around the island. It took us one and a quarter hours to circumnavigate it - surely this is a record? This did include a beer stop at Blue Lagoon (well we were exhausted after walking up and down the water villa path way) and a long search in the trees for fruitbats. Once again, we found none. Just a big gecko. Sitting on our balcony later, we listened to the noise of the sea, the wind rustling leaves and every now and then, the soft "pat" of flowers falling to the sand off the trees. It's a great sound - so relaxing. And the beautiful yellow flowers decorate the pathways (until they die in the heat). I don't know the name of this flower. When it is dry, the flowers are orange, when it rains, they are yellow.

Back to room for a read and then out to dinner at 8. It was "Food from the Region" which turned out to be a cross between "Curry Night" and "Chinese Night" - i.e. very good. With a beautiful rice, nut and fruit pudding on the dessert tray.

Lots of new arrivals today - the Manchester flight has come in which means that we have been here for one week already.

After dinner, we were deciding whether or not to take a jetty walk. "I'm not going on there is Geordie Boy is on it" I said. There was no sign of him so we sauntered down, wondering where he was. We'd seen him and Mrs Geordie Boy charging out of dinner at about 8.30pm. We were also wondering what the fairly large crowd of people lining the edges of the jetty were looking at. "hmm, must be some Rays about " we said.

Something MUCH bigger than a Ray was in the water - yes, it was Geordie Boy! He was out snorkelling with a male companion and with the same torch as us! (It's an underwater torch). Roy was horrified. I was massively impressed and had to struggle to suppress a fit of laughter.

Geordie Boy - not content with monopolising the jetty at night - had picked the busiest jetty walking time to take a night snorkel. Brilliant! Genius, in fact.

He and his pal were taking lots of photographs of sharks and fish.

After that we took a seat outside Fisherman's Bar and listened to the Crab Racing going on inside. They (largely Germans) were bidding for Crabs. The "owner" of the winning Crab got beer as a prize.

"My name is Fritz, and I name my crab: Speedy".

Enough of that! Off to Blue Lagoon for liquer coffee and lightning.

Sheet lightning finally drove us to bed at 11pm.