Friday 28 September 2007

Goodbye Fiha, and Happy Birthday Dad!

28th September - my Dad's birthday.

Going home day. I didn't sleep well and was up at 6.30am. We had more or less packed the night before and didn't have much to do. Had coffee on balcony - weather not so great today. We chatted about how 2 weeks of sun and doing nothing is probably not our dream holiday any more, but had been exactly what we needed this time, after the events of this year.

We went for breakfast and then waited in reception as the boat wasn't due to leave until 9.30am. At 9.25am they (island staff) came running round calling our room number. Looks like we were keeping the first boat waiting! No matter.

Took an hour to get to Male - quite choppy. Boat 2 over took us. Check in was fast but I think our island was the last to arrive and so none of us managed to get seated together (i.e. with our partners).

Long, boring flight. Got a bit upset halfway home thinking about Dad - it being his birthday, I was thinking that he should have been here to celebrate it. He'd have been 69, by the way.
Landed early, at 6.30pm and Paul picked us up and took us to my sister's house for a Chinese meal. This was a send off for Joe, my nephew, who goes away to University in Lancaster tomorrow.

Nice evening. Had a great sleep. End of holiday.