Sunday 23 September 2007

Hot, humid and overcast.

Sort of overcast today - but very hot.

The sun is strong through the cloud cover.

Breakfast early (for us) at 8.45am. Then we went to look at the notice boards near reception. I like to check daily to see if anything new has been pinned up. Invariably it hasn't.

We came across Geordie Boy (we now know that his real name is Mr Foo) looking at the excursions. We note with interest that he has booked on another night fishing trip - this time the long one which lasts till 11pm.

Hot Hot Hot.

Snorkelled and found the black moray eel swimming along on the reef. Then back to sunbed.

After lunch (yummy ginger/nut egg custard) we walked a bit, despite me being afflicted with a severe case of snorkel-foot. (Pain in my foot, I think caused by my fins). Then we had another snorkel. Saw a fantastic sight - a school of powder blue surgeon fish were eating on the coral - there must have been 200 of them. Cue typically idiotic Russians diving into their midst.

Back home. Lovely red skies tonight so here's hoping for a clear day tomorrow.

Dinner - Fiesta Mexicana - was very good. Fajitas with chicken in pepper and coriander sauce. And Coconut Flan.