Friday 19 January 2007

Friday 19th January

Still windy here but so far not as bad as yesterday. I'm going food shopping and to return my slow cooker (after anguishing for weeks whether to keep it). I've just decided that I'm not a slow cooker type of person! I can't think that far ahead. I did tell Roy about it. He just rolled his eyes.

I still haven't moved. I'm burning CDs onto Itunes and keep thinking "I'll just do one more then I'll go shopping". I'm trying to work out how to copy all of my nephew's ipod tunes onto my itunes... I think there is software you can download to do this, but I don't know how dodgy it is. Am browsing some ipod forums to get an idea.

And I will go for a swim later if my latest headache lifts.

I have booked my ticket for London so the meet up with Ann and Boaz is def. on the cards. I am really looking forward to meeting Ann. I couldn't get the free tickets as it turned out - there weren't any seats left (I think you need to book 3 months ahead). But I got a reasonable deal by following Moneysavingexpert advice and splitting my journey at Peterborough! Works out half price than buying a straight through fare. And all I have to do is get off the train and back on! Crazy, innit??

Had a chat with my sis earlier. She's really upset because my niece (Emily, 12) is being isolated/bullied at school by a group of kids she was befriending. She's struggling to find nice kids to bond with. Long story, but my sis and the Head of Year are talking about how to deal with it.

I have only been bullied twice in my life - as a small child (4-8 by my "friend") and last year at work.

We had a power cut tonight and I missed the BB Eviction! (Jade Goody).

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