Friday 26 January 2007

Friday 26th January

I slept in! After all that waffle about keeping to my normal sleep patterns, I blew it last night. Went to be just after midnight and then couldn't sleep. So when Roy left at 7.30 I just turned over and went back to sleep Now I feel groggy. I think my natural body clock is that of a night owl - my tendency if I don't have to get up for work is to stay up late. But I'm trying not to. Roy is the opposite, he's an early bird.

I've met Kath a few times through my best friend. She's a talented musician who was working in banking to make a living (the music career wasn't taking off). Last year she was diagnosed with breast cancer and it has made her take stock and want to pursue her music again. If you can take a moment to have a look/listen I know she'd appreciate it. She's dealing very positively with her situation and is trying to get good coverage on her myspace.Personally I like her music (I bought her first album back in 2000) - she reminds me of a Beverly Craven/Julia Fordham type of singer/songwriter.

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