Monday 29 January 2007

Monday 29th January

Met up with Ann, Boaz and Becky today in London. It's always great to meet cyber-friends, but this was my first meet up with International Cyber Friends! (Ann and Boaz live in Israel).

The concert last night (Wally Fields Jazz Orchestra at the Liverpool Philharmonic) was excellent. Dad loved it - especially when they opened with his favourite - Sing, Sing, Sing! And they did the original version of Rhapsody in Blue, which was wonderful. All in all a very nice evening.

My dad is feeling a bit better today. He ate a lentil shepherd's pie that I made for him and really enjoyed it! We'll see... I would still feel more comfy if he had proper tests etc.

Comment added in May:
During the interval of the concert, I went out to the loo. Coming back in I got delayed behind a group of people faffing around at the door, but I could see Dad standing up waiting for me to get back. His face was side on to me and my stomach lurched a bit as I studied it. His mouth looked strange - and I couldn't decide if it was just a sign of him getting old, or if it was what I think of as "sick person's mouth". I can't describe it properly, but you know how someone's mouth sort of caves in a bit when they're really ill? That's how it looked and it worried me.

Later (in the hospital) Dad told his friend George (who had recommended the concert to us) that he had been on the verge of sleeping through a lot of the second half of the concert. He was that full of paracetomol. I know he'd made a super human effort to get there - when we got home, he hugged me and said "Thanks, I really enjoyed that, I'm glad I made the effort".

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