Thursday 1 February 2007

Thursday 1st February.

My dad is not very well at all and the doctor just keeps telling him to take the laxative sachets she gave him. Although today she did actually make arrangements to send him to the hospital for tests... his appointment will take up to 2 weeks to come through.

Mum says he is in pain, listless and feels sick at the thought of food. No doubt he's also worried sick about what might be causing this. But we won't know until he has proper investigations.

Doctor says she can't "feel anything". Not exactly sure what that means. I gave him flaxseed. I will take some psyllium over at the weekend. Mind you, nausea was a stated side effect of the laxative sachets she gave him (Movicol). Doctor said if there was a blockage then only proper tests would show it. (TMI again, sorry!)

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