Sunday 4 February 2007

Sunday 4th February

Dad had his "sigi" late last night. I called at 10pm and he'd just got back and had told the nurse that the doctor said everything seemed ok on it. So I guess it's the barium enema next, but he won't know when he's having that until the doctor comes round again today. It's that cycle of have test/wait for the doctor that is so prevalent in British hospitals!

He's getting a bit fed up of being poked and messed about with, if you know what I mean? (Given the location of said messing about!). He didn't look TOO bad when we got there last night (6.30) but by 7 his colour had changed and he look drained and tired.

If he'd had the sigi by then, I'd have gone home and left him to rest, but I was hanging around until the end of visiting at 8 just in case they took him down while we were there... then I could have waited to see him back ok. But of course, they took him down as the last visitor to theatre at 9.30pm.

So, mum will be ringing at 1pm to see if the doc has been round. We'll know more then. It's real puzzlement... there is clearly something blocking him but what, where and how they'll find it is a process of elimination.

I'm going over tomorrow, and will stay over at my mums so that I can run her around etc. for a couple of days. I'll play it by ear in terms of how long I stay.

Update: Dad is going for a CT Scan next. Hopefully tomorrow or "whenever they can get him in for it". Then they say they will probably want to do more tests on his bowels. Looks like there's no avoiding that barium enema!

The good news is that they've put him back on food and drink today (he's been nil by mouth since he went in on Friday) and last night he was saying that he was desperate for a hot milky coffee. My mum will no doubt take him a huge flask of it in when she visits this afternoon! He doesn't have much appetite but he said last night that he would have tried some food yesterday if they'd offered it. All they gave him was some wet swabs to moisten his lips!

I'm staying home today - my mum has her transport for visiting all sorted out.
Apparently the doc told him he thinks it may be water blocking his bowel. I never heard anything like it... am off to do some internet research!

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