Saturday 3 February 2007

Saturday 3rd February

Here is the latest. My mum phoned the ward this morning and was told that apparently dad's x-ray was "fine".

They obviously aren't planning emergency surgery today as the nurse said they didn't put him on some sort of pump they were going to (it's to do with his blood as he takes warfarin following heart surgery years ago).

Nurse said she couldn't say what the "plan" was until the doctors have been round again today. This could be anytime between now and 5-ish. It doesn't seem as if they're sending him anywhere else this morning - the doctor had said last night he might need a "special test" this morning (I am assuming that meant barium x-ray or endoscopy?). Anyway, we still are no wiser, but we're feeling slightly reassured that the x-ray seemed clear. Although I don't for a minute kid myself that x-rays would show everything. We'll see.

I'm hoping that the doc arrives during visiting hours this afternoon, and then my mum (plus whoever is with her) will be able to hear it and ask questions, too. It's still pretty scary but we have to take each stage of investigation at a time.. I'm going over to visit tonight as my sister and brother will take mum in this afternoon.

Update: Next step for Dad is to have a sigmoidoscopy (camera examination). If that doesn't reveal anything then they'll do a barium enema. I don't know when he'll have it done - he's on an emergency waiting list. He's had an enema this morning in preparation for the sigmoidoscopy.

My auntie has already told my mum how awful a barium enema is! I love my Auntie Stella, she's so comforting and reassuring at times like this.

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