Sunday 18 February 2007

A smashing time

I'm home (albeit just until tomorrow morning) and just washing my stuff to take back to mum's next week!

It's been a weird weekend. The decorating is all done (Roy did all of the actual work, I just helped facilitate clear spaces for him to work in and then put everything back). He painted all the walls (my parents don't have any wallpaper) and glossed all the doors, sills and skirting boards.

He worked flat out from 8am on Friday morning until 1pm today. Bless him....

Most of the flooring is sorted... they are coming back tomorrow to do a small bedroom, hall and the kitchen. Then I can get my parents' home straight again! Things are shoved everywhere out of the way, if you know what I mean.

So it was a busy, busy weekend... to top it all off, I got in the shower last night at about 10pm. After I'd finished, I was just spraying the inside of the (glass) cubicle with that Shower Shine stuff. I pulled the sliding door open to do the inside of it and step out of the shower, and the glass in it just shattered everywhere. Luckily, it's a rectangular shaped shower and I had pulled the door to the opposite end from where I was standing... otherwise I'd have been like a pin cushion.

So, apart from a small cut on my hand and foot, I'm ok. I couldn't believe it... my mum just cried... she's pretty low anyway (she is full of cold and with all the stuff going on with dad etc..) and I think this was the straw that broke the camel's back. Luckily most of the glass stayed inside the shower cubicle and so we're leaving it there as I intend to
a) call her home insurance company tomorrow about them fixing it all up
b) make a very strong complaint to the builders who installed the shower when they bought the flat.
Surely they shouldn't use glass that shatters into shards??? I thought they had proper safety stuff in? I wouldn't mind but my parents paid a lot of money to have a shower installed instead of a bath (as they're both disabled) and I think the builders put the cheapest one in that they could find.

Anyway - now I've lost the one place I can go to cry in mum's flat - the shower.

No more news on my dad. He didn't look good last night. I'll be back in to see him tomorrow afternoon.

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