Thursday 22 February 2007

Thursday 22nd February

No news here. Still haven't fully sorted the bedroom!

My dad is holding up pretty well, considering. He had another scan today... I don't think we'll hear anything more until after the weekend. The doctors never contact us - the way it works here is that you have to ask. However, there is a very nice doc who is part of my dad's team and on Tuesday night when I was in with my sister, my dad was just back from his laparoscopy and the doc came over to chat to him about it while we are there. We'd met him last week, too, when we asked for a meeting with the doctor. I like him... but we still haven't yet met the "main man". I think he's just fobbing us off with his sidekicks until he has something definite to tell us.
We did ask to see the top man (Mr Tighe) on two occasions and were told that we could.... but when we got there he sent someone else along. I'm not too bothered but I think he should show his face at some point.

Also, it is noted on dad's file that when they do get final results then they are to call us in for a "family meeting" and under no circumstances are they to give my dad bad news when he is on his own. I tell his nurse this every other day (they work on 2 day rotations) just to be sure that everybody understands!

It is three weeks tomorrow since he was admitted and still no confirmed clinical diagnosis. We are told that this is a very complex area of the body to deal with. My major concern is that my dad is clearly getting worse, and when they do tell him exactly what the problem is, he will just be that bit weaker in terms of being able to handle things. On the other hand it seems wrong to tell him info before it is all fully confirmed. *sigh* such a worry.....

I am still decluttering my parent's small apartment! I never knew you could find so many hiding places for paperwork, pens, ornaments, tinned food.

The new shower door should arrive middle of next week. In the meantime we have to schlep to my sisters for a shower (only a 5 minute drive away, luckily). I have now got most of the shattered glass hoovered up... just the last bits to sort out. Now we need to find a big strong man to fit the new door! My dad's friend is a plumber so mum is going to ask him to do it. My sisters FIL was supposed to be helping but seems reluctant to do so (which makes me mad but that's another story!) so I have told my mum to ask somebody else.

What else can I moan about? If there are no test results due tomorrow, I think I'll go home after visiting tomorrow night and have the weekend with Roy. I can come back anytime if I need to - but if things stay as they are now then I'll stay home until Monday. Nothing much happens over the weekend in hospitals, seemingly.

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