Saturday 17 February 2007

Saturday 17th February

The decorating is going well but is a messy, tough job... trying to do the whole of a 2 bed apartment in 2.5 days! In between running round shopping, hospital visiting etc.
Roy is doing all the real work, I am just trying to make mum's home habitable in between times.

Email to Prevention Friends:
Well I guess it is time for an update, but there is not much more to say. We aren't much further forward since last Friday. They are certain that my dad has advanced cancer in his pancreas and stomach. They just can't clinically prove it.

So the latest is that they will do a laparoscopy (sp?) in the next few days (they are trying to get his blood right as he takes anti-coagulants following heart surgery 8 years ago) to see what they can find in his stomach. If they see anything they will take biopsies.

With regard to the pancreas, the Doctors at his current hospital (Warrington) have now said they can't do any more and have referred his scans to a Regional pancreas specialist unit at Liverpool hospital. We now have to wait to see if the Professor there will see my dad - but that is likely to be as an outpatient.

So frustrating and so many unanswered questions. My dad knows no detail - just that he has swellings in his pancreas and stomach and they need to find out what they are. So we aren't having too many open discussions with him just yet. Until they get a firm diagnosis (or he asks a direct question) they aren't going to tell him. We have requested that we are there when he does (my sister and I, possibly with mum).

Seemingly this is a complex and difficult area of the body to deal with - hence what appears to be badly handled messing about in the hospital... I am trying to convince myself they're doing their best. The nursing staff have been wonderful. I am not so sure about the surgical team. I guess to them we're just a number.

I know I sound quite cold and factual but I have to deal with it this way at times.When we know for certain what is causing this then dad will be referred to an oncologist to decide if treatment will be offered (we have been told that this is unlikely) and to put a care plan together for him.I just want him home and comfortable.Will keep you posted. And I do thank you for your kind words and thoughts.

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